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    Famous Indian People with Disabilities

    Sudha Chandran   The iconic classical dancer and Indian actress is one the most inspiring lady. She lost her leg in a car accident at the age of 16. Doctors missed a wound in her ankle and plastered it, which later turned into infections with no other option but to amputate her leg. She overcame her disability by getting a prosthetic ‘Jaipur Foot’ and become one of the most popular classical dancers in India. Having performed Bharatnatyam internationally, Chandran has also been a known figure in the Indian television and film industry. Having received many awards for her amazing talent, Chandran is an inspiration to everyone. Abhishek Bachchan Abhishek Bachchan is…

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    Top 5 Myths About Periods

      In India and many other places, “menstruation” is still a taboo topic. People generally do not talk about it openly.  it’s important to understand that a woman’s menstrual cycle is not the same as her period. The actual time that a woman bleeds is known as menstruation but her menstruation cycle is the entire time from one period starting to the next. Here are a few popular myths and misconceptions about menstruation:  Women who menstruate face discrimination and are told that they are dirty. Their bodies are undergoing a change in those 5 days. There is pain, odor and a lot that follows. Women are advised to stay away from crowds.  A…

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    Menstrual Ritual:-How the ‘‘FIRST PERIOD’’ is Celebrated

    Menstruation is always personal and not everyone is okay with talking about it, hence the taboo or the hush-hush that surrounds it. One of the most significant aspects of menstruation is that it marks the transition from girlhood to womanhood. In the old days, this transition was marked by a period of celebration as the elders claimed that the girl is now as fertile as nature. The first period usually invites a whirlpool of emotions and a rollercoaster of bodily changes. At the tender teen ages, with no assurance of proper comprehensive sexuality education, there is only so much that the mind can fathom. Karnataka The Ritushuddhi or Ritu Kala…